Dental Tips
What is Tooth Sensitivity?
Tooth sensitivity refers to pain or shocking sensation to your teeth from cold, hot and sweet food or drink. Some with sensitive teeth even experience sensitivity when brushing or flossing the teeth.
Teeth whitening toothpaste, does it work?
Teeth whitening toothpastes usually does not work effectively. Clinical bleaching is recommended.
How Often Should I Floss My Teeth?
You should floss your teeth at least once a day. Flossing removes food debris and plaque from in between the teeth that a toothbrush can’t reach. Plaque causes tooth decay and can lead to gum disease. Flossing is one of the very good ways in tooth decay and gum disease prevention.
What type of toothbrush should I use, soft, hard or medium?
Some may have misconception that only by using the hard toothbrush can clean the teeth better.
You are recommended to use soft toothbrush with moderate force, to prevent thinning of enamel at the cervical (tooth surface near the gum).
Should I extract my child’s decayed milk molar teeth, before they are loosen?
Some parents may have a misconception that when the child’s milk molar tooth is decayed, it should be removed, even at the early stage, way before the eruption of replacement permanent tooth. They thought that once the milk tooth is extracted, it will be replaced by the eruption of new permanent tooth.
In fact milk molar teeth should not be extracted way before the replacement permanent tooth erupts, as this may cause crowding or “malalignment” of permanent teeth. Malalignment means the displacement of a tooth or teeth from a normal position in the dental arch.